Los Angeles is as much concept as city, set in a desert that flows to the sea; that ends in the sand where an ocean begins whose horizon recedes in the sunset; a city where émigrés and the children of immigrants have come to make their dreams come true. It is a mix of the sublime and the obvious, of the new and the nouveau, of the selfless and the selfish. It is as delicate as the quality of the light, the air and the surf; and as ephemeral. It is about the outdoors and about what happens behind closed doors. Life is lived in LA in a garden of unlimited potential, a crap game where people believe that, at any moment, one well placed bet can change your life. Tommywood covers this waterfront, filtering the landscape through a very personal lens. Writing Tommywood has allowed me to explore the city I live in and become more engaged and involved in the intellectual and dream life here. Writing Tommywood has made my life so much richer; I hope reading this volume does the same for you.
Foodism, the Milken Archive of Jewish Music, the Nuremberg Laws, Mark Rydell, My father who said he wasn’t a hero, Salonistas of LA, Jonathan Gold, The Circus, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Iranian novels, Larry Klein, Joni Mitchell, Michael Chabon, Julius Schulman, Roger Director and the Giants, LACMA, KCRW’s “The Business,” Early Dylan, Harry Bernstein, The Actor’s Gang, Tim Robbins, Jack Black, Elvis, Steve Binder, Dutton’s Closing, William Shatner, Post-Zionism, New Orleans.
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