Tommywood is a column that explores the cultural landscape of Los Angeles through a personal lens, taking the reader everywhere from a tour of Frank Gehry’s Santa Monica, to Robert Evan’s bed, with a morning spent in Traffic school and lunch with French philosopher Bernard Henri-Levy, with time for a game of mah-jong, and a remembrance of when Hungarians ruled Hollywood.
Tom Teicholz is a film producer in Los Angeles. Everywhere else, he’s an author and journalist who has written for The New York Times Sunday Magazine, Interview and The Forward.
Recently, Tom Teicholz served as American Film Editor for the 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia Judaica.
Since February 2004, Tommywood has appeared every two weeks in The Jewish Journal of Los Angeles. The Jewish Journal of Los Angeles has a paid circulation of 50,000 readers and a pass-along readership of 150,000. The Jewish Journal is available by subscription but is also distributed free at venues throughout Los Angeles.
In 2007 TOMMYWOOD was the First Place winner of the Southern California Journalism awards hosted by the LA Press Club for Entertainment Reviews/Criticism/Column in Newspapers (with a paid circulation under 100,000) for the column “Susanna Hoffs walks like a Mom/Rockstar.”
In 2006 TOMMYWOOD was the winner of a LA Press Club award for Entertainment Reviews/Criticism/Column; as well as the winner of the 2006 Simon Rockower Award, presented by the American Jewish Press Association for Excellence in Arts and Criticism; both for the column, “Larry David died for our sins.”
The Jewish Role in American Life
By Barry Glassner, Hilary Lachoff, and Tom Teicholz
Based on scholarly and popular sources, a survey of the Jewish role in politics, culture, philanthropy, education and literature of the US; written as an annual survey commissioned by the USC-Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life and published by University of Southern California Press in 2002.
Like No Other Store… The Bloomingdale’s Legend and the Revolution in American Marketing
By Marvin Traub (Former CEO of Bloomingdale’s department store) with Tom Teicholz
Traub’s story and the story of retailing since World War Two; published by Random House in 1993.
Conversations with S.J. Perelman | Editor
Assembled the collected interviews of Oscar-winning author, screenwriter and humorist S.J. Perelman for a book published by the University Press of Mississippi; wrote the book’s introduction.
Conversations with Jerzy Kosinski | Editor
Assembled the collected interviews and conducted two new interviews with the award-winning author of The Painted Bird and Being There for a book published by the University Press of Mississippi; wrote the book’s introduction.
The Trial of Ivan the Terrible, State of Israel vs. John Demjanjuk
by Tom Teicholz
Critically-acclaimed account of the Israeli District Court trial of Cleveland auto worker John Demjanjuk who had concealed his past as a Nazi war camp guard; published by St. Martin’s Press in 1990.
Received positive reviews in The New York Times Book Review, Time, and The Chicago Tribune.
Tom Teicholz’s work has appeared in The New York Sunday Times Magazine; The New Yorker’s ‘Talk of The Town’; Andy Warhol’s Interview (where he was a contributing editor), The Forward, The Paris Review,The Budapest Sun, and Mult es Jovo.
The columns are offered for syndication throughout the US and Canada. To republish a column or for syndication information please contact