A Depression of One’s Own: Daphne Merkin’s ‘This Close to Happy”

In “This Close to Happy” (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), Daphne Merkin, novelist (‘Enchantment’) and essayist (‘Dreaming of Hitler’ and ‘The Fame Lunches’) has written a compelling chronicle of her traumatized childhood and an adult life marked by repeated bouts of severe depression. Although it would be easy to characterize Merkin’s memoir as part of an […]

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The Genius of Bernard-Henri Levy’s Affirmative Judaism

In his latest book, “”The Genius of Judaism” (Random House), Bernard-Henri Levy revisits much of his early and recent public intellectual life to reveal that much of what he has done, where he has traveled to, and why he does it, is animated by his Jewishness. As a proud French Jew, Levy makes the case […]

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Writer’s Bone interview with Tom Teicholz

By Lindsey Wojcik “It is hard to describe the delirium that accompanied each of those first publications. Each was some great victory and validation. Each felt like, in the words of the poet Charlie Sheen, ‘winning.’ It was as if I was climbing some imaginary mountain face and each published story was a new peak.” […]

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Ebikes: I Sing the Ride Electric

Let me make a prediction: You will buy an E-Bike, and like me, you will love having one. 2016-12-26-1482782513-3355061-WallerangM02Xpreview.png Wallerang Ebike Over the last six months, I’ve been testing a wide variety of E-bikes and have come to believe strongly that E-bikes are in the future for many of us, specifically those over 50, but […]

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Zsa Zsa Gabor Dead – The Last Hungarian Actress of Her Generation

Zsa Zsa Gabor has died at 99. As my fellow Hungarican wrote me: ‘That’s it. 2016 worse year ever.’ Zsa Zsa was the last connection to my mother’s world of Budapest and the glory of Hungarian women born before World War Two – a cosmopolitan, very clever, very adaptable, very assimilated, world of superficial beauty, […]

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