FOODIE-ISM (Barry Glassner & “The Gospel of Food”)

This time of year finds me on the treadmill in the mornings, futzing around the gym, taking walks around the neighborhood, eating lots of grilled chicken salads. I’m in training — not for the recent Los Angeles Marathon, but for the marathon weekend in May when my wife and I travel to another city with […]

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Literary Paprika (Mark Sarvas and ‘The Elegant Variation’)

What better way to start the New Year than by sprinkling a little literary paprika? Consider this: Mark Sarvas, a New York-born son of Hungarian parents, a voracious reader, a Francophile and a foodie, comes to Los Angeles to be a writer, sells some screenplays and starts an acclaimed literary blog, The Elegant Variation ( […]

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Hate the Game, Love The Player (Michael Tolkin and “The Return of The Player”)

The fall season is upon us, with new books, movies and TV programs all vying for our attention as palliatives to the news of war, terrorism and melting ice caps. Even as the days get shorter and our own day of judgment looms imminent, we wonder: Is there a hero out there who can set […]

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Kaplan’s Collage

Here’s Marty Kaplan blogging on Huffington Post about suggested treatments for Mel Gibson’s “problem”: “‘Jew Like Me’ is another strategy. Walk a mile in my shoes. Gain 10 pounds at my table. Wait two hours after lunch before swimming. Laugh that ironic meta-laugh right along with us when Jon Stewart says, ‘Jewey.’ Sensitize yourself to […]

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