Beyond The Valley of Tommywood (The Tommywood Collection Book 7)

by Tom Teicholz

In “Beyond the Valley of Tommywood,” lies a mix of reading as entertaining as it is informative about, artists, people, places and subjects you never knew you would enjoy so much.

The Kendall Jenner of the Belle Epoque, Andy Warhol Goes Disco, My Nazi Revenge, The Possum, Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, Warren Zevon, The Liar: The Four Personas of Adolf Eichmann, Bill Graham, Frank Gehry, The Enduring Mystery of Raoul Wallenberg, What Black Mountain College Taught, My Motility, Israeli Politicians, The Culture of Jerusalem, The Prince of Yiddish Barroom Song, The Whitney Done Right, The Tapestries of Louis XIV, George Plimpton, Ringo Starr, Allan Sherman, ‘Doc;’ Humes, Don Was, The Chill of Marcel Duchamp’s Etant Donnes, The Israel Museum, The Rubell Collection, the PAMM Museum, the Museum on the Seam, The Petersen Auto Museum, Lord Jacob Rothschild is a mensch.

Pub Date:
August 25, 2020

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